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F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
27. Score sheets
27.01 Score sheet Procedures:
- The score sheet will be filled out by the Ultimate of the field and shown to both team
- If anything on the score sheet is crossed out or written over, the referees must fill out a
new one.
- It is the responsibility of each team captain to check the score sheet. If a team captain
finds a mistake on the score sheet, a new one will be filled out.
- The captain who agrees on the score sheet will sign it. If both captains have signed it the
score sheet will not be modified even if mistakes are discovered afterwards.

page 's 16 & 17 of the rule book
So if they went by the rules the result shouldnt of been changed?

reaper man

marshall law
Jan 15, 2007
I thought the feffing was great on all fields nice work guys. and guys give em a break being a good ref aint as easy as it looks so even the best are allowed a bad call now and then. Weekend totally rocked Huge thanx to wendy and team . sportsmanship was great from all teams ,thanx guys see you all next month.:cool:


Retired Gun Whore
Jun 10, 2005
Past Caring!
I really don't like to get involved in good ref/bad ref debates because it is always a subjective viewpoint but let me just make one point if I may.
Good refs will cause more problems for teams (well the ones who do not want to use the rules in play) and organisers than poor to average ones simply because they pick up on the cheats and do not let players take the p***, and they tend to know the rules that most teams don't.
I saw lots of action on Sunday and I always cast an eye over the refs to see what they are doing and if they are doing it correctly (and believe me on this - I do know the difference) and yes there was some average performance's from the refs on all fields but if I was Wendy I would have been happy with the quality of all the reffing staff, I would have every one of them back again.
UK refs were on both fields one and two along with some others (one of whom had never reffed before) but I did not hear of any in-game concerns or problems, they was also on another field.
It is very easy to say if you can do better then step up to the plate and try, but I wont say that, what I will tell you is this I have hand picked so to speak every member of the UK Refs and without doubt they are the best the UK can offer and can and do hold their own with every reffing team around the world, they take pride in there ability to do a great job so do, and if you thought otherwise............... :rolleyes:


The problem is Russ that when you keep telling these guys they are the best then they become arrogant and miss things, I had an incident on field 2, left one on one, hit the guy in the hopper, called a check and the marshall didn't go in ( he was stood behind the player so couldn't see the front of his hopper). I got shot (fair play to the other guy) and he then hangs the flag with a big blue hit on his hopper, not a trace of blue paint anywhere near his bunker, but the attitude of the marshall was that because he didn't see it hit then it couldn't have been a hit because he's a superstar fcukin marshall, had he been in the right place then he would have seen it hit.

And yes reffing is hard, but the minute you become complacent at anything you get bad, so if they are the best as you say, how can you quantify that?. I always enjoy playing on Mars Bars fields, he's fair, he's fcuking good, and he hasn't got a trace of ego about him, thats how refs should be.

Gilly Uk Ref

Feb 19, 2007
Im sure we played that field more than once winning and losing on it, but either way im not complaining due to us losing or winning.

Yeah i was the one wearing the method top

Its not that much of a bold statement to make as it was back up by the majority of people who played there, even when asking wendy how the fields were running i think field one were recieving most of the complaints.

I have never marshalled at a tourney as such nor to i ever want to, im not saying your job is the easiest in the world as this isnt aimed directly at you personally either, im not sure if this does happen but as said earlier regarding new refs wouldnt it be an idea for new refs to start reffing KOTH and work there way up as players do?

If there were any reason for me going to the world cup, reffing would be the last thing on my mind.

Knowing your name means nout to me mate and i dont mean that in a bad way but most people will tell you im the worst with names, i have no problem backing up anything i say on here in person as a few have found out, so i'll happily have a chat with you.
I just love coming on here looking at comments about refs an how crap they are. I aint sayin all refs are good because they arnt by a long long way, But for me my friend your statement about not reffing a single tournament for me says it all. An I think when you say the majority of the people complained about field 1 is a bit far from the truth an you know it..... Like Russ said all good refs will always get a lot of complaints about them as they know what there talking about not like about 80% of paintballers who have never even picked a set of rules up let alone read them, what does that tell you as a ref....

An when things are aimed at the Uk Refs then I'll come on here an respond an it aint something I do as you can tell by my post count. Any how have a go at reffing I'm sure it will improve your game for sure.

Oh by the way Mars Bar is a Uk Ref.:D