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UKM 7 man - March 11th - Combat Zone Lincoln


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
I personally dont think there is anything wrong with the uk masters 7man or 5 man. Plus RAMPING Is for PUSSY's and dosnt take any skill at all to do. I could give a ramping marker to a chimp and he could use it.

Oh yeah, he'd be the best f**king player in the world too......... ffs.

And you'd think most of you have never seen a woman before the way you're banging on about FLC......


Oct 28, 2004
North Essex
whats a woman cook$ :rolleyes:
Those people you were being a sex pest to on Sunday Dan ;)

Haha, tom you are a bell end, but I love you. Fecking posing nonce. Sure, I'll send them over bud when I get them from my camera, for some reason they didn't come across on the mac. Either that or Dan stole them from my camera because he loves your little face so.


Mar 4, 2005
Those people you were being a sex pest to on Sunday Dan ;)

Haha, tom you are a bell end, but I love you. Fecking posing nonce. Sure, I'll send them over bud when I get them from my camera, for some reason they didn't come across on the mac. Either that or Dan stole them from my camera because he loves your little face so.
no they are on there maybe your canon doesn't like him, or your mac don't like pictures taken oop north from you ;)

Me a sex pest I thought that was everyone else


Northern Heroes #03
Sep 3, 2003
Carlisle UK
i belive wendy asked at the last few legs of 2006 , if players not just captyains would like the masters to be ramping or not.
i think it was 4 to 1 in favour of semi , if i remember correct(feel free to correct me).
as for kettering, no one likes going down that far, but hey if you travel futher than wendy, (darlington) then i say you may have a case.
any way it was a good event, and a part from a few things it was up to the usual standards.
p.s. can every one just chill out a bit
Yeah we travel further than darlington takes us an hr an half to get to darlington 1st then head south!

Rather play lincoln, with ramping in top div at least not bothered what the rest decide we play in the top div.

Just while were on the subject of change. Can we have it in 5man too and end to end flag in 5man instead of centre flag as that does my head in! At least have it for the top div i know i say it to you every 5man wendy but im saying it again!

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Yeah we travel further than darlington takes us an hr an half to get to darlington 1st then head south!

Rather play lincoln, with ramping in top div at least not bothered what the rest decide we play in the top div.

Just while were on the subject of change. Can we have it in 5man too and end to end flag in 5man instead of centre flag as that does my head in! At least have it for the top div i know i say it to you every 5man wendy but im saying it again!
Ramping at the 5 man - forget it - 100% against that
7 man - Give next month teams the chance to vote and then decide
I agree with the end to end flag at all events