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UKM 7 man - March 11th - Combat Zone Lincoln


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Apr 7, 2002
East yorkshire
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Ahem..., see my first post "this is to be taken as constructive criticism",
and it was pointed to Wendy in the first instance!

Honestly, I have nothing against you personally, but as long as you keep making these ill thought out comments ill keep shooting them down.

Really, please take the time to READ what is written before commiting yourself to making dumb comments.

As for 'ass hole', called it like i saw it pal.
You saying one of the up and coming teams in the Uk, who play in Div 1 would be not missed at these events? You are missing some logic there...
To be honest i was not replying to your post i was in fact replying to Markie C post as with what i thought was pretty apparent from me actually quoting his post :rolleyes: .
Also i was meaning that if you had read it may be not clearly stated was that Markie has spoken to Wendy on a one to one level and dealt with any issues head on and talked to the source instead of on here!!

And where did you read about me saying that the Firm wouldnt be missed never said that and if you READ your own post more carefully which said "fwiw, id play the masters more, or be interested in doing so, if the fields were "better" for want of a more apt description." I was reffering to yourself as stated in your previous post and not in reference to the Firm in any way what so ever that they would or wouldnt be missed i was refering to yourself and the last i heard one player dont make a team!!
And i also read it as i see it but im not gonna go around calling people *******s who i dont know or anything about them just cos you maybe dont like what is being said after all it is only a criticism.
So points take onboard wether i agree or disagree is obviously irrelevant or we will just keep going round in a circles at this rate !!!


May 15, 2006
Central London
could've done with a snake or two......... :rolleyes:
someone had to say it didn't they :rolleyes: ;)

oh, and thankyou to the kind ref who found my pot and brought it back to me... see, writing on it with electrical tape is a bonus! :D ha ha

see you all in two weeks :)


destroy your idols!
Oct 5, 2002
messingham way
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ok before i start, i would just like to say this is my opinion and not that of my teams before you prejudge my statement...

I am not a very smart person, so if i write something that offends some people without me realising i am sorry.

First of all, the fields were better this event, yes, but not of what you would expect of a £40 game fee. Which i might add, is a fiver more then last year, and from what i could gather from the event, didnt go towards anything more then worse marshelling.

Number two, our team was approached by one of the angels in the morning who began to question us on where we aquirred our paint from. We replied from our sponser. (we were shooting draxxus). She then went on to say that from events after this one, all paint would have to be bought from the event. Now i am sorry but i snapped streight away as this is the stupidest thing i have ever heard. Not pollitely i must admit i asked why, and she replied that they had to please their sponsers. As you would imagine this just didnt make sense to me because we also have to please ours.It wouldnt be too good if we told our sponser that we couldnt shoot their paint because the events we play wont let us. PLus as a paying customer, at £40 a head £280 a team, that is a **** load of money for us to have to go there and buy the events sponsers paint, it is just ludacrus. We did enquire to see if any of the stalls there did supply draxxus, but we shouldnt have to, we should be aloud to bring our paint, from our sponsers and shoot it. Not to be told were not aloud to shoot it because it wasnt bought at the event. Its just a massive money making scheme which, frankly, i aint buying into it angels.

Number 3 would be how the event is supposed to be an equivelent of millenium with the rules, but, no ramping. Now i just dont understand this, on which, why would you want to advertise your event as "training" for milleniums, but then you dont have the main part of millenium. Ramping makes the game completely different and in my oppinion is needed in masters if they want to advertise themselves in this way.

Last rant would be of where the event is being held next. Right, Lincoln, is by far the best place it has been held to date. The catering is good, the netting is superb, i do understand that there were some stray balls at the weekend, but still it is all pre netted. The grass is good and the ground is flat. Now one of my team mates did enquire about where the next event would be held, and he got the answer of either a new venue in kettering or Uttoxeter. Now i am sorry. Uttoxeter is just a big hill, so no chance there, just a stupid thought. And kettering is fair enough but why put all the events there just to please all your southern teams that have to travel to come to lincoln. When you had the events in Kettering last year, we had to travel a hell of a long way to play. Just because some southern teams dont want to travel because they dont have the heart as much as we do for the sport, shouldnt mean you put them first.
How to resolve this, maybe i dont know have some leway and have half the events in lincoln and half at kettering, taking each venue in turn. Maybe that would please every 1, if you have to have it somewhere not as good as lincoln.

Just a little note, the extra fiver you have added onto our bill, could you put it towards some line painting to the fields, as 1 this would help you allot with your field setting up as they would be pretty much bang on, and 2 it would put the money to good use.

Again i will add this is the view of me and feel free to critisise as i am a pretty care free guy on what people think of me

thanks allot

Bush :)


DCF Footsoldier.
Apr 18, 2006
Ashbourne (Derbyshire)
wow ...

Firstly read the rules of the event NO RAMPING allowed unless specified.

Was it specified that it was a ramping event? NO - so you were completely in the wrong to have a ramping marker, hence the ban for a tournament.

Field Designs are field designs i dont know how to create a good field or a bad field so i shall not comment.

Bad reffing - try it yourself (and if your a punter marshall dont bother saying its the same because its not).

EDIT (remembered something when re-read the previous response):

Line writing: Lincoln is not a seven man Site it was used as a backup (thanks to Ghandi and Joules for stepping in) and is setup solely for 5 man

You and your team had a bad day just admit it.


destroy your idols!
Oct 5, 2002
messingham way
Visit site
ok in reply to your post, i know our team had a bad day, in what part of my post did i put that we didnt,

secondly the marker wasnt ramping, its was bouncing, yes a hell of a lot, not ramping, there was no consistent rate of fire, which can be achieved by ramping.

thirdly i have marshelled before, and no not punter marshelling, tournament marshelling.

and i know the rules are non ramping, which is what confuses me as it is supposed to be the closest equivelent to millenium so teams can get ready for it, you get my point?

plus is didnt comment on the designs of the fields, i commented on how they are put out, you need some form of grid lines to make sure that all the bunkers are in the right places, you wouldnt try and draw a design for a flat pack without a grid to help you, would you?