i keep asking who is jamie but every month he turns up and tells us all how he shot like 10 people every game he is like a ninja or something
we want this one real bad been the bridesmaids too many times this season
oh yeah i remeber him he wasnt there last month an we all got to shoot people ahh well i guess its back to bonus balling people again after he shoots them all out lol
your right though Will we need this one after 4th in jan (its cold then an we take a lil while to warm up lol) 2nd in feb, 2nd in march and 2nd in 7man (the only team to beat the winners an do it convincinly losing only 1 player an they never lost more than 3 players to any other team! an we still maffed it up elsewhere!)
Its time to turn up the heat this month
Portox we dont wipe to get rid of hits! Its called magic
Disclaimer: we as a team do not condone cheating in any form including wiping and therefore do not do it and do not like to be branded as such. Anyone who says otherwise is a wiping cheater