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UKM 3 Man - 19th November - NPG Uttoxeter

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
i do think **** up of the day has to go to our mate nev (thanks a bunch) while guesting for me he managed to miscount the dead players called easy field and walked me straight into the waiting gun of a live player

but anyway another great day for all involved
and thanks to everyone who helped out the tearaways by guesting for us when 1 of us went ill

No f**k up of the day was obviously the 1 on 2 where Johno went to mug last two of the opposition. He shoots the first guy then the marshals pull him out for being shot by the last guy. Marshalls wipe the last guy down and let him go for the flag, only to find that Johno has not got a spot of paint on him as every shot either missed or bounce (never use that paint again), so they had to let him play on. Johno drills last guy, who screams at refs for allowing foul play, who then show him that Johno is not hit anywhere. Unhappy player walks to dead box and what does Johno do, he goes and picks up his empty pots. Suddenly he realises that he needs to hang the flag so grabs the flag from the start gate and proceeds to hang it to cheers from the sidelines. Johno soaks up the applause as he walks back to his team. As he gets almost to the 50 the ealisation hits him and he puts his head in his hands

The Crowd is in uproar

Game and flag hang goes to opposition :D

Oh I forgot Dark Warrior shouts to Johno and points to his camera

The Crowd is in Uproar again

So thats must be the biggest f**k up when you make that sort of mistake and its recorded. :D


Active Member
Jan 1, 2006

yep that nev it was a great game as i got it all on film.

cheers nev from alpha1 that b***s up help us get third place

Coz err, last years 3 man nev got beat by a guy with no gun, who ran round the back of him, and hung the flag while there were still 2 players still live on Nev's team. that was real funny.

(sorry Nev) lol


Mar 31, 2004
under a rock.
3 man isn't a 3 man without a super novice f**k up lol

I did see that game DJ Darky's talking about though... that was funny. But sending a whole team to their doom lemmings style is pretty bad

Let's be honest people.

And last year telling a lad to run round us with the flag.... and being shocked to find out that he did just that.... was pretty bad as well

Woo... go me! lol
