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UK Scenario Team v Everyone else...


New Member
Jan 23, 2008
Hey, Im part of UPPC (Plymouth)... Think there's 14 of us coming up, but only Anthony and Becky (UK scenario) seem to be on the list. The rest of us that will be shooting them arent mentioned, mind you, dont know if Tony put our names on the tickets or just booked them...

Look forward to it, biggest game I will have played in.

The name's Alex Safar - if its on the updated list?

Also promised to charge full on at the citadel from the open with only a pistol. I already regret it.


Therapy Paintball
Feb 8, 2005

UKScenario Team

Alan Murray
Andrew Coulter
Andy Canon
Anthony Ledger
Ashley Kingdom
Becky Clough
Brian Askew
Craig Barnett
Dave Watson
Dean Tucker
Dennis Baker
Derek Beaumont
Iain Donald
John Strathearn
Kevin Elson
Lee Wickham
Matthew Smith
Matthew Thompson
Mike Bissell
Mike Rose
Neil Creighton-Banks
Paul Banks
Paul Dilks
Paul Merriner
Paul Razorbacks
Paul Samuels
Pete Anderson
Richard Morgan
Robert Laika
Robert Terrence Caine
Rozi Simpson
Ryan McConnechy
Simon Barnett
Simon Edgar
Steve Witz
Thomas Banks
Tim Barnett


Everyone Else

Tony Lindsay
Adam Wallhead
Adrian Connell
Adrian Gamble
Adrian Wyper
Alan Pye
Alex Carney
Alex Johnson
Alex Safar...........................................;)
Alex Williams
Andrea Sheldon
Andrew Chapman
Andrew Mattinson
Andy McKenzie
Anna-Marie Webster
Aron Bradley
Barry Rankine
Brian Humphries
Carl Fryer
Carl Jones
Chris Harper
Chris Jones
Chris Meek
Christopher Hall
Craig Murphy
Craig Smith
Danial Jarman
Dario Miroli
Darrell Thomas
Darren Coles
Darren John Hoyle
Dave Hodgson
David Brooke-Read
David Frith
Davie Connoley
Debbie Patten
Donald Clubb
Duncan Martin
Eddy Connor
Frazer Hepburn
Gareth Williams
Gary Dalziel
Glenn Chalmers
Gordon Humphries
Graham Carson
Graham Carson
Graham Fallows
Graham Martin
Guy Sygrove
Ian Cook
Ian Pinchen
Jacques Crosa
James Burns
James Williams
Jamie Donnely
Jim Williams
Joanne Hannant
Joe Toon
John Irving
Jonathan Barton
Kelvin Gaffney
Kevin White
Lance Ansell
Lee Bulmer
Liam Keaton
Luke Haston
Luke Williams
Mark Edmondson
Mark Evans
Mark Gallagher
Mark McLeod
Mark Robinson
Martin Connelly
Mathew Russell
Matt Perks
Matty Dowd
Neil FLH
Nicholas Ryal
Nick Bezant
Norry Hallsall
Paul Ballard
Paul Bedford
Paul Bulmer
Paul Henderson
Paul Sheldon
Peter Finnegan
Phil Coles
Phil Livesey
Philip Higginson
Rich McManners
Richard Davey
Rick Holmes
Ricky Jones
Rob Ellis
Rob Hennessey
Ross Poole
Ryan Hoddes
Shaun Biggs
Simon Schnetler
Spencer Biggs
Stephen Horne
Stephen Potts
Stephen Sheilds
Stephen Sheilds
Steve Hill
Steve Leggett
Steve Turner
Steven Lloyd
Stuart Russell
Tam McGuigan
Terry January
Thomas Crawford
Tim Marquis
Tony Baines
Tony Isted

Correct as of 23rd Jan 152 players.


Therapy Paintball
Feb 8, 2005
PLEASE NOTE; Ticket sales for this event will cease completely on Friday 1st of February at 12 noon (this Friday). After this time there will be a Pay on the Day option but prices for this will rise to £35, if you are not yet booked in, do it now.

Correct as of 29th Jan = 164 players.


Therapy Paintball
Feb 8, 2005
Paint for the February the 10th game is now available for pre-order; due to the expected cold weather we are offering Draxxus Frostbite which is their winter formula and very good quality. Cases are £30 each (for 2000 count) and are only available through pre-order; please note there will be no paint available on the day unless it has been pre-ordered.

To secure your paint please telephone 07980 304898 all major credit and debit cards are accepted (except AMEX). Office hours are 09:30 to 18:30 and your orders are required before the close of business on Tuesday the 5th Feb, your paint will then be delivered to the site and kept in a temperature controlled environment awaiting collection on the day.

If you have purchased tickets on someone else’s behalf please forward this message on to them.


Platinum Member
Jun 22, 2006
north west
Big Dicks uk scenario game clearout.

Those of you attending this weekends uk scenario game at Bawtry paintball fields have the chance of bagging yourself a few bargains (£££) .

Carl, the site owner also runs Big Dicks Paintball (http://www.bigdickspaintball.com/index.html), he is having a lot of work done to the warehouse/shop/offices he has and is moving into a temporary unit while its being done.
Now the temp unit is smaller than he would like, so he is gonna need to make a bit of space.

After speaking to him today he has decided to bring a lot of his shop stock to the site on sunday and sell it as near to cost price as he can "i dont mind selling it cheap but i aint gonna lose on it".

A couple of things on offer will be.....
140 shot pots----- 60p each
pure energy 0.8l hp bottles (test till 2011)---- £35
crossfire 1.1l hp fibre wrap bottle (test till 2011)----- £70

There will be minis, pistols and lots of other gear, have a look on his website to see what they have and give him a ring so they can make sure its at the site on sunday.

This is only available on sunday at the game.

Grab yourselves a bargain! (big smile)


Platinum Member
Jun 22, 2006
north west
We've had a few calls this evening with people asking for tickets.

Anyone wanting to play this game - just turn up on the day. Playing fee will be £35.

See you all on the field on Sunday!

i got a spare place/ticket if anyone is "paying on the day" (bro in law cant make it now).

Save yourself a tenner and get it for the original £25.

if you dont contact me before the game just come over and find me with the Convicts :D
