Yo Al! No Amsterdam for The Machine this year?
Buddha 3 Hamfist McPunchalot Jul 6, 2001 10,095 699 198 51 The Joseph Stalin school of moderating. www.facebook.com Mar 14, 2003 #71 Yo Al! No Amsterdam for The Machine this year?
Al Woods GFH Trouble Maker Jul 7, 2001 1,229 181 88 49 Your 30 www.gfh-hq.com Mar 14, 2003 #72 Debatable J I aint too sure if there's a Zap event near it or not. If not then we need to get our asses together and give the DMAz an honourary visit. Sam, you not know that Walkden is a Swedish suburb??
Debatable J I aint too sure if there's a Zap event near it or not. If not then we need to get our asses together and give the DMAz an honourary visit. Sam, you not know that Walkden is a Swedish suburb??
sjt19 Well-Known Member May 23, 2002 3,070 0 61 Visit site Mar 14, 2003 #73 Debatable J Originally posted by Al Woods Sam, you not know that Walkden is a Swedish suburb?? Click to expand... In that case i may have to acquaint myself with the females of Walkden then.... sam
Debatable J Originally posted by Al Woods Sam, you not know that Walkden is a Swedish suburb?? Click to expand... In that case i may have to acquaint myself with the females of Walkden then.... sam
TNG New Member Nov 23, 2002 58 0 0 The fifth demention (WPC) Visit site Mar 16, 2003 #75 here's a tip for playing the usa: practice walking to the dead box.
W woodsta Train hard--fight easy Oct 12, 2001 187 0 26 Surrey Mar 17, 2003 #76 It's all about the weather, if it was hot and sunny over here, we would all play more, be able to train more, generally improve on a huge scale, and then beat the yanks??, i blame the weather!!!
It's all about the weather, if it was hot and sunny over here, we would all play more, be able to train more, generally improve on a huge scale, and then beat the yanks??, i blame the weather!!!
manike INCEPTIONDESIGNS.COM Jul 9, 2001 3,064 10 63 Cloud 9 www.inceptiondesigns.com Mar 17, 2003 #77 I play in all weather... although it's in my contract that I don't do 'rain' Sometimes I quite like the mud and wet fields. TNG, why would we need to practice that? Because the yanks are so much better at it than ourselves? My tip for playing in the USA is bringing over good fair judges
I play in all weather... although it's in my contract that I don't do 'rain' Sometimes I quite like the mud and wet fields. TNG, why would we need to practice that? Because the yanks are so much better at it than ourselves? My tip for playing in the USA is bringing over good fair judges
Buddha 3 Hamfist McPunchalot Jul 6, 2001 10,095 699 198 51 The Joseph Stalin school of moderating. www.facebook.com Mar 17, 2003 #78 And Manike continues to make friends....
manike INCEPTIONDESIGNS.COM Jul 9, 2001 3,064 10 63 Cloud 9 www.inceptiondesigns.com Mar 17, 2003 #79 Sorry Dad... but he started it.... honest... Shall I go to my room now?
manike INCEPTIONDESIGNS.COM Jul 9, 2001 3,064 10 63 Cloud 9 www.inceptiondesigns.com Mar 17, 2003 #80 Actually the X-ball I have seen has definitely had the better side of the judging in the USA.