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UK Masters why why why ...........


Apr 15, 2002
Darlington, co.durham,
if they won the div by 70 points where would that of put us if they did`nt get the points for winning this game
could we of came first??? as we finished second

as i was not there i have`nt seen the scores yet

but still match fixing coaching on the feild hmm penalty points spring to mind

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association

OK here is what happend, Inferno played Inferno Rage both sister teams and it ends up with the last player of Rage winning the game he then checks the field and returns to the flag and continues to his own base to hang it at this point in the day the senior team are neck and neck with another team for the lead and the last player knows this and hangs the flag where he did in "error".
If the tournament had an ultimate and/or the field ultimates had read the rules the outcome would have been different.
The rules are very clear (when you have read them) in the above case and the result would have changed.
The player in question would have recieved maximum penalty points for unsportsman like conduct.
On another point at the end of the game the player in question had a hit on his foot but the ref still allowed the hang.
At the end of the day the girls will make sure this wont happen again.
On a further note Inferno did not set out to cheat if that was the case Rage would have rolled over and inferno would have hung the flag themselves, and they still won by more points than was gained by the flag hang so no positions changed with the flag going to the wrong base, and if the Refs knew the rules it never would have happened in the first place because the last player was marked.



Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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So exactly how much cash was riding on this event?

It was buttkiss wasn't it?

C'mon FFS the only remotely dubious thing about this whole sorry saga was if you're gonna roll at least make it look good!

Teams roll all the time (OK, so that's usually to avoid Dynasty or XSV in the quarters), but it ain't like it ain't happening.

And c'mon you lot wanna be a sport, you only have to look at motorsport for all the team orders that come in to play.

That saying if William Hill start taking bets on Paintball, someone from Rage drop me a PM.


thinking of coming Back
Oct 7, 2002

This type of thing is happening too often , poor refing etc. this is one of the reasons why Manchester extreme have pulled out of the masters, at the previous event this , game should have surely been played 1st while both teams are on 0 points . personally this type of thing doesnt happen very often, thank GOD. but id be really pissed if i played for DV8 unlucky guys . cmon girls you have a great event , sort your refs out.


"nil taurus excramentum"
Jan 20, 2004
well igotta say summit on this & it is a bit of a farse&seriously wimsicle for the the most sportin team award goin the way it did& somany times now that it is clear that besides the meercats that the lost boys have been the most sportin team in allot of tourneys& i will add again the lost boyz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!have proved this time & time again& got SWEET FA!!!like most other teams could mention!.sorry to go off abit but it is true this time it shudda been the lost boyz'hey but what can u do when people leave there fukin glasses at home rofl ;) :) :p .owe every 1 is out to win 1 way or another!;),BUT in honesty the teams r good & fast & do get quite a good slaggin behind the lines & do cause jealousy in the camp ,tthey play good& r good teams,but 1 thing if it were u would u be so vigil or keep ya mouth shut. MOST SPORTING TEAM SHOULD BE DESIDED BY THE WILL & HEART 'TO KEEP TRYIN DYIN & NOT MOANIN AFTER PLAYIN REALLY HARD & GETTIN A KIKIN,THATS A SPORTIN TEAM!

old proverb :! if at first u dont succseed CHEATTTTTTTT! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!

Paintball Paladin

Thanks Sully, as always you're a star.

I saw this game myself and was a little confused by what was going on. never mind thats life.

Sully, next time we play can you coach for us. Oh and nice piccy by the way. Henry VIII, LOL:eek:


Method Agent # 13
Mar 19, 2003
Black Country UK
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Collusion !.......Never


Please take a look at the facts below, these are taken from an Inferno Player Post ??

Why do you think they always win, get the right decisions from Judges and all the Fair Play awards ??

Inferno -

and sponsorsed by those hotties from the MIDLANDS MASTERS

Midlands Masters Champions 2003 and now 2004!

:D :D :D :D :D