Wendy, great day, really enjoyed it, everything went well, even better playing and getting first and second, We,ll be back if anyone wants us
Mr Bling
You and Sam will be welcome to play for us any time mate

Already booked in for the next event so if you fancy playing it drop me or John a line.
Massive thanks to Wendy and all her crew for organising one of the best UK domestic events I've ever played, it really was great. Big thanks also has to go to the refs who did a really good job on a solid day of almost non stop play. Big thanks must go also to Sam and Simon who played for us (as well as Silverbacks - not many people could have coped with that many Xball points). Also I want to thank Luke, Daz, Milky, and Danni for all the help with coaching all day long, you guys were a great help.
Most of all though, I want to thank our sponsors, KEE Action Sports for their continued support. They've been supporting us all season and without them there is no way we would have won this event. You would have seen us wearing the urban Invert playing gear which even after use for almost a whole season every weekend is still in great condition. The E Vents goggle systems worked flawlessly all day, giving 20/20 vision point after point after point, even in the drizzle. Most importantly of all, the paint we were shooting ran perfectly all day; we were only shooting Premium, a mid range paint, but it was working like a top of the range paintball; shooting straight and breaking on impact whilst being strong enough to withstand being knocked around in pots and loaders all day long.
So thanks to everyone once again, Redemption will be back at the next event to defend our title and have another day of really top quality paintball! See you all in October