from the horses mouth each team will play 4 other teams so minimum 20 games maximum 36 matches
i thought it was first to 5 points, or the most points at the end of 8mins play time??? in which case, if you happened to sit behind your gun for 1 8min game or so, then there would be a min of 4games at a stupidly extreme case
but yeah for spectators, 36 matches to watch
guessing we have 5 fields on the go to incorporate this

although it takes enough time to walk from field 1 or 5, back to the main marquee... 2min turn-around will be tight unless we're having individual staging areas by the fields?
pleeeease mrs wendy, fill us all in

i know you have a big game on at the site this weekend, so if you don't post on here in the next day or so, ill ring up for all the nitty gritty details