I would just like to say well done to Northern Heroes for winning the series.
enjoyed our games we played against each other over the series even the game where you bashed us up real quick.
Hope your team mate that did his leg in at the weekend recovers soon and didn't damage himself to bad.
see you soon
Thanks enjoyed the games we played against you an every other team this year including all the controversy between us a DV8 earlier in the year but it just wouldnt be the same without a bit of it really would it

and my arguments with Sue throughout the year

no hard feelings i just get a little hot headed when i play
On a personal note i'd like to thank my team an Sue and her marshalls on field 1 on sunday an NRG for their concern an help when my knee gave way during the game also Beer an the marshall (whoever you were sorry i dont know who you are) for carrying me off
As for my knee well i dont know what damage is done as the swelling is too bad. So it needs to go down so the docs can see whats been done to it. All i know is i cant walk an im in pain an have constant pins an needles on the outside of my leg from my hip to my ankle
Oh yeah an my teammates want to amputate