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UK Gun Whores club is here

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one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
I need a List of Names and Numbers for all the shirts as I'll need to prepare artwork for each shirt individually.

Ok, Ive spent the last 2-3 hours tweaking the design/colours and the layout of the Jersey. Most of the stuff ive done you wont notice because it is mostly stuff to make sure that it prints the colour i want it to print when it gets sent to the manufacturers.

I'll Just list the changes ive made to the actual design here:

1 - Sleeve artwork has been slightly modified and now has the GWC letters in the 3 stars.

2 - Shoulders on the front have been modified to encorporate the Gat-o-flage.

3 - the colour of the whole jersey has been slightly altered to a CMYK colour split for the printers. this basically means that it will print exactly how it looks in my file. It displays slightly lighter and a bit paler on screen. I wont go into the reasons for that though.

4 - colour of stars and GWC have been lifted slightly (from 90% Black to 70% black). This is to make sure they are visible on the print.

I will take an A3 print of the Jersey Design to the Ionman Tourney on Sunday and give it to Gassy so at at least one of you will know EXACTLY how it will look when printed.

Can NEVER have too many shirts :)
Can we order and pay for one or more the shirts dan (tinfish designed) and is tinfish allowed to get one for being designer ? I want same details just I wan to frame one and use other as a playing shirt. Might even pay for 3
tin mate first page has every one who has paid deposit marked with * and names link to the correct spelling in there profile.

if any one want more than one please let me know so i can add ** to names so w all know who has ordered what.

i will give James at JCS a call about printing but we need numbers to get best price. once i have a price we need to jump on it quick. so get your payments ready.

tin you also get honorary membership due to hard work put in. you name will go in with currant applicants
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