for me growing up on a farm with air rifles etc. it wasnt too bad, but what my mates did, was to make their dad take them paintballing, and he loved it! try that.
yea my dad went with me when i went, he loved it too but my mum's the 1 that's stoppin me from gettin n e thing. im trying to get a job (prefferably a paintball marshalling job) to try n get sum money. i was just gonna concentrate on that at the minute n wen i got enough i was gonna try n persuade her to let me get the equipment i need 2 start.
won't she let you play? If its anything to do with it being dangerous or anything, then there are plenty of things in place to make sure it isn't, and if you point these things out to her. If its just the money, then get the job, and prove to her that you are serious. Once she knows you really want this, she may even offer to lend you some cash to get your first marker? Or maybe not