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Uk 10 Man


Jul 10, 2001
Sexy South
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Important Notice to K Rossion

You must keep Scutty in the centre of the field at ALL times, and stop him running to the 50 on the tape. This could result in the world being knocked of it's axis and us all being thrown into space ala space 1999!

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VW's are the game
Important Notice to K Rossion

Originally posted by Kitch
You must keep Scutty in the centre of the field at ALL times, and stop him running to the 50 on the tape. This could result in the world being knocked of it's axis and us all being thrown into space ala space 1999!

Message Ends

LOL but the kewl thing is... He was a back player! He rules man! Not to many big back guys even move from behind their bunkers! I learned a lot having him on our team for the day!;)

Big Ian

New Member
Jul 8, 2001
Robin Hood Country
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You should have a disclaimer on your avatar "playing for Tremmor will make you end up looking like Fillis", or somefink like that :D

Ian from Dam Dangerous was on the Hyperball, and is often confused ( in the dark, from the back, with both eyes shut ) with La Soya ( until you see him play ).

Big Ian

P S Twink, don't forget, I am an Angel Tech, I have a WDP approved 14lb hammer ;)


New Member
Feb 8, 2002
Holywell Row U.K.
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First off I'd like to thank Nick for the excellent tourney!!!! Next, those K2 boys...had a great time day of, and day before the tourney. We have to do that again sometime!!!!! We'll bring the keg of course!!!! Pat.....nice pic dude!!! Finally, special thanks to Banzai for letting us use their air!!!!! I do have to comment on the air situation...shooting a shocker all day, I had to conserve everything I had to finish a game...as much as I tried, I still ran out of air 4 of the 8 games!!! Oh well...good tourney, great day, fun had by all...see you next year!!!


Performance By Design
Jul 7, 2001
Hi Guys....

Quick word....
Corrosion unlucky even with some K2 players, better luck next time..... well played fellas.( Lovely playing tops)

K2.... Ok just some of you lot there grrrrr cant wait to meet up on the field with the full team out ....lol

To those players not there you missed out on one of the best tourneys so far this year !!!

Marshals & Nick very very well done ...... Keep it up lads

Tremmor team who Marshalled Brill !!!!!!

And finally to AL from K 2 can you ring me asap need to chat soon about something ......0151 928 6440 or 07944 155537

Maxem Pro-Paintball & Team Maxem

Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30


Now come on Tony you can't have us both, you just gotta choose. It's either me or......him. You can't have both. Sorry.


Scuttys car? Shiznit man. He rang us to say we'd hear him pulling into the car park at the hotel, we heard him alright but were still waiting 30 mins before he arrived.

L-O-U-D!! but cool