I feel that Tourney Paintball in Scotland is not being "advertised" as well or at all for that matter.
I guess I could say the same for Tournament Paintball if the UK as a whole.
In the states they have ESPN covering events, simply because there are so many events happening around the country and because it's so popular there.
I get the feeling that Paintball here in the UK is suffering a little.
How cool would it be if Sky Sports or Satanta or even free-lance filmed events around here. I mean up here in Scotland we only really have the SPPS held at Wildwoodz, which, dont get me wrong is a nice series to play in but it's held up in Inverness (That's the top of Scotland).
I think something should be done to try and bring tounament Paintball up the the level it should be here.
How cool would it be if paintball became a Olympic Event?