no, no, no, no
A thousand times no.
For a million and one reasons:
-Our sport will look like ****. We haven't got the rules, fields, teams, and CHEATING sorted out yet enough to have something understandable.
-As tyger mentioned, players are crap with the cameras. I've seen some DVD's that had the WORST interviews I've ever seen. Sample scene:
Interviewer: You got shot on that move, what do you think led to...
Player: NO, NO, I ****ing shot the **** outta that guy.
Interviewer: (blinks)
-Not a decent way to film it yet. It'd take at least 5 or 6 cameras around a field, and maybe some helmet cams as well as a diagram to give punters even the remotest idea what was going on.
I could go on, but I'm lazy. Also, I think Colin brought up a good point: are we all ready to have our asses kicked by kids who are naturally great at paintball? As the old joke goes:
Michaelangelo gets to heaven, and he asks God, "God, was I the greatest painter ever?"
God says, "No, the greatest painter ever would have been Joe Schmoe."
Mike: Joe Schmoe?
God: He never touched a paintbrush.
I swear to you, there is some 9 year old kid out there who has never touched a paintgun, and one day, he will play, and his natural talent will make all our training look like ****. Are you ready to have your ass kicked by a sudden influx of new players, some of whom are just gonna be damn good?
I'm not.