You'd be hard pushed to find a single paint ball marker in Germany that shoots under 214 fps in semi only, F stamped or not! The whole thing is a grey area, the DPL runs EPBF rules, 10 bps ramping and <300 fps as do the major scenario games. Other, of course than those bought brand new, even if you were to buy a mew marker in Bitburg you would then have to break the seal (Loctite) on the regulator and unseal or retrofit a suitable board, or compete at a significant disadvantage.
There have of course been examples of non-Germans having their equipment seized, I believe Bullets had theirs confiscated whilst driving through Germany from Hungary a few years ago and a certain US pro player had a bag full of Dark Angels seized and was facing importation of firearms charges and jail time but eventually successfully contested the charges and had his record cleared.
I have only repeated in my previous post what I was personally told by one prominent German paintball dealer, adding the caveat that some local German police may not be as conversant with the laws as others and may seize any non f stamped marker. However, every year, countless non-Germans have managed to temporarily import paintball equipment for events, Mahlwinkel and Bitburg included. I have heard more reports of cylinders being randomly seized but the TSA from luggage in the US than equipment being confiscated in Germany in recent years.
There have of course been examples of non-Germans having their equipment seized, I believe Bullets had theirs confiscated whilst driving through Germany from Hungary a few years ago and a certain US pro player had a bag full of Dark Angels seized and was facing importation of firearms charges and jail time but eventually successfully contested the charges and had his record cleared.
I have only repeated in my previous post what I was personally told by one prominent German paintball dealer, adding the caveat that some local German police may not be as conversant with the laws as others and may seize any non f stamped marker. However, every year, countless non-Germans have managed to temporarily import paintball equipment for events, Mahlwinkel and Bitburg included. I have heard more reports of cylinders being randomly seized but the TSA from luggage in the US than equipment being confiscated in Germany in recent years.