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Training on 17th March @ Notts

twinkle toes

Spud eating?? Never!!!
Sep 14, 2001
Visit site

Will not know for sure about Sup' until Fri/Sat. It all depends on whether the weather holds out or not. If it is gonna be good , then the Sup'air field will get re-seeded ready for summer , but if it does not get re-seeded before the weekend , then we should be able to use it.

But as plans stand at the minute , it looks very doubtful that we are gonna get to use it. I'll keep you posted.;) .

Even if we dont get Sup'air , its gonna be a good session though. We get the exclusive use of Hyperball , and we can work around the rental customers on site , and play on any woodland field too.

Keep the interest up guys. The more the merrier , and all that....

Laters people.:D .


Old Git.
The Fish are not going to be at the 17th 2K2 event due to lack of numbers being able to make the long trip to Wales.. but we should have a good number for Nottingham on the 17th.. Lookingforward to a good day.

So who do you have confirmed as going?

twinkle toes

Spud eating?? Never!!!
Sep 14, 2001
Visit site
So far we have :

Mighty Shellfish.
Fighting Hellfish.
UK Raiders ( still not confirmed numbers )
Hannibals Heroes. ( again not confirmed numbers )
Reh Heat - Not confirmed.
Full on - not confirmed.
Warlords - not confirmed.

If everyone who has shown interest comes , we will have a sh*t hot day.

I do need to know numbers from everyone by this Thursday though. This is to make sure the catering has enough food for everyone. Also anyone wanting the Bulk Air tanks or paint need to let me know by Thursday Lunch time too.:D .