Originally posted by Fletch
If its your first time your liable to be slightly baffled by the hole tourny scene causing you to just want to go with the flo . This is all good but occasionally a marshal mite make a ****e call . If this happens stand up for ya self , if you don’t youl regret it after . Chances are the decision wont be changed but at least you feel like you tried . When a marshal runs over to check you for paint dont stop shooting , if you dont think youv been hit you have nothing to worry about and its up to him to see if you have been .
This DOESN'T mean argue, shout, swear at or insult the refs in any way! And don't forget that the refs decision is final at the end of the day.
Ideally if there is any dispute about the game in general only the captain should talk to the field ultimate ref, no random players shouting at field refs about a call.
And remind your captain to CHECK the scoresheet before signing it - even the best most experienced refs make mistakes and one of the most common is to put the results by the wrong team's name!