Just a question to all the P8ntballers out there, the big question. why does every single team out there, have problems with every call out there? No matter what happens, wat ever call they make people complain, storm of the field etc! WHY.. wats the point, In any other game RUgby, American football, wat ever calls get made, it's part of the game, they dont argue, atempt to tell you that they have not got shot on the peak?? and when you kinda tell them they have, in a middle of a game they scream trying to take their goggs off!???? why!!!,
The point im tryin to make is that everyone does it, people watching get pretty bad impressions of the game! I have serious considered stoppin compeltely cos of it, So what is the answer???
The point im tryin to make is that everyone does it, people watching get pretty bad impressions of the game! I have serious considered stoppin compeltely cos of it, So what is the answer???