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tourney costs?


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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it's difficult to gauge the costs for a Tournament event cos it's going to be dependent upon format and the amount of Paint shot. Some teams may go to a 1 day seven man event and shoot 5 or 6 cases, others may shoot 18+. Obviously if your shooting 3 times the amount of paint you'd expect the costs to be somewhat higher.

Another factor you need to consider is the grade or quality of Paint. Paint that actually breaks on suckahs, is usually much more expensive than the armour piercing stuff some Teams may use. I personally take exception with these types of Paint as I believe them to be dangerous, however many people chose to put cost over player safety :rolleyes: Often when you shoot the lower grades you actually need to shoot that much more of it to get a break.

People on the forums are going to BS you all day long with what paint is best and what and not, to represent their incentivised deals etc so take a lot of what you read (unless impartial) with a pinch of salt.

However if you were playing "back in the day" at the likes of the Mayhem events where it was "Site Paint Only", and doing a couple of cases at about 10p a ball, you might find the actual paint costs have reduced at a unit level (unfortunately consumption has sky rocketed).

In opinion, if you want the best value for money balling day out, goto a walk-on (if woodlands you thing), or one of the Sup Air training days. Your get more games for your buck, and you may be able to hone some skills too. The UK scene is absolutely inundated with tournaments, which are an expensive way to make your way back into the scene. Training days represent much better value and you get to dictate the pace you play at.


I think the guy wanted to know the cost of playing not what you spent on the trade stands, hotels and ho's at HG. I mean my Players Party bar bill in Toulouse was 170 quid, can't really blame that on playing can I????

It's completely subjective even if kept down to playing costs (ta-muchly Mario & Dave, although your other half thinks Nexus E-blades are a bull's-eye, no?). Strangely the better the paint deal, the less likely people are to talk about it...........;)


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Pink ones are best though.

Matches my Flying Pink Death Frisbee, that I used to commit ritual Seppuku in a Win-Chun Tiger Crane Style.

I've been dead since Sunday. :eek:


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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You do know that homosexuality is deeply inbedded within Bushido and Samurai culture?

Can't be Ronin without being a tad fruity and a pair of these: