No Shuck your perfectly correct. No offence SYSTRAXZ but quite a lot of people on this forum will begin to get mightily pissed off with you if you do continue to post for the sake of it
- or to get stars. Sure it's nice to have 'em but I think you'll find that most people around here care more about paintball than stars.
So just try to tone it down a little and try to make you're posts a little more contributing to the threads. You don't want the entire british paintball community pissed with ya!! Keep it cool man

So just try to tone it down a little and try to make you're posts a little more contributing to the threads. You don't want the entire british paintball community pissed with ya!! Keep it cool man
Adult videos shuck??!! Where did that come from??? Is there something you'd like to share with us all???!!What do you all think, and please don't mention the adult videos. I was young and needed the money