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Total Amatuer Wanting to Buy New Mask


New Member
Jan 28, 2020
Hey guys, first post here and I'm just looking for some simple advise.

I paintball just a few times a year, and enjoy it. The only thing I don't like is the goggles on the hire mask fogging up immediatly. I also like the idea of having my own clean, new mask rather than using a hire one! With this in mind (I'm paintballing this weekend) I'm looking at spending the least amount possible on a mask that is going to be better at not fogging up.

I've seen this thermal lensed mask for under £30 - is this going to be any good? Are there any others that you would recommend around this price point?

Thanks for your help



May 15, 2007
Hi Chris,
Welcome to the forums!

To be honest, as someone who only goes a few times a year, and has only interest in an improved goggle which will hopefully fit nicer than a rental, you are looking at pretty much the perfect place.

My first mask when I started was a £30 mask somewhat similar to this one, and it was perfect to go and play in each month when I had no other kit.


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
There are some really cheap masks on ebay too. Brands like Proto, Dye, etc are good. You might want to buy a new lense to make sure the mask does the job it's designed to... protect your eyes! The thermal lense is the key thing to stop fogging though!

Some will fit your head better than others. If your local site has a walkon, i'd try and head along there to see what other people are using and see if you can try a few on to check the fit...


Nov 27, 2006
That valken is a basic mask to about the same standard as those used in rentals.
However it would be yours, not worn by dozens of people week after week getting abused and scratched
I’ve actually got a set of the same, in the camouflage finish, they aren’t as fancy as my other goggles. They are hard plastic as opposed to softer rubber ones - but they are comfortable and fit my head.

Number one is how they feel on your head
Number two is how they work for your air flow & breathing

Both of those can be covered by trying some at site, or if you are lucky enough find a nearby shop

Number three is looking after the lens - don’t use any anti fog magic cure until you need to, as soon as you put some special spray on it will potentially affect any built in anti fog.
It’s worthwhile to carry a microfiber cloth, have a damp corner to wipe away paint splatter and a dry corner to buff it.

Avoid buying ‘cheap’ from Hong Kong etc, and avoid eBay / AliExpress name spamming of ‘paintball airsoft goggles’ etc
You can buy new cheaply from a reputable UK supplier (even from their eBay store)

You can save on a better set of goggles on the forums or eBay for a bit less by getting them second hand, etc, but do look at the price of a replacement lens. It can get expensive quickly, but for all the fancy coloured lenses there are also standard clear ones. They can still cost a pretty penny for lenses to fit premium goggles, and for less premium goggles you could get a set for close enough to the price of a lens!
Shop around and have a nose at the offers in the retailers. Last seasons colour design, or an obscure colour mix can save a lot in your wallet at the right time.

If it fits you, let’s you see and let’s you go out and have fun then cheap and cheerful or expensive and flashy do the same job
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Nov 27, 2006
PS I forgot to add:
Go down to poundLand etc and look for their jumbo microfibres.
If big enough then fold one in half and sew up two sides. You then have a scratch proof bag for budget goggles.
If not big enough then sew two together

They are handy if you don’t get a soft goggle bag with yours, and you’ve always got a microfiber to hand to clean the lens !!


New Member
Jan 28, 2020
Thanks for the advice. I bought the mask I posted from BZ paintball, nexg day delivery so hopefully it will be here on time for saturday!

Tom this part of what you said "However it would be yours, not worn by dozens of people week after week getting abused and scratched" is the main thing for me; that and these have thermal lenses and the rental ones don't, mean I think it is worthwhile having my own. At the end of the day it's only £30 and if I really get into it and end up going more often it's not a big loss if I decide to upgrade!

Thanks again for the advice guys,



New Member
Jan 28, 2020
Just because internet forums are full of threads that aren't tied up, I thought I would give a little feedback on this mask here as I struggled to find any while I was looking online to buy in the first place.

Firstly the most important thing to me was the fogging up of rental masks being such a fun sponge when you're out paintballing. My friends that came out with me had rental masks, and by the time we had walked to the first game before a single shot was fired all their masks has begun to fog up. Mine went the whole day with no problems what so ever, so immediatly it was money well spent!

It's nice not to to use a mucky mask too, and the comfort was fine. One downside I will say is that the mask I bought doesn't have a hard cover for the top or back of your head. Seeing as most of the hits I took were friendly fire (thanks guys!) I will say getting shot in the back of the head with nothing covering it stings like a bitch! haha.
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Nov 27, 2006
Just because internet forums are full of threads that aren't tied up, I thought I would give a little feedback on this mask here as I struggled to find any while I was looking online to buy in the first place.

Firstly the most important thing to me was the fogging up of rental masks being such a fun sponge when you're out paintballing. My friends that came out with me had rental masks, and by the time we had walked to the first game before a single shot was fired all their masks has begun to fog up. Mine went the whole day with no problems what so ever, so immediatly it was money well spent!

It's nice not to to use a mucky mask too, and the comfort was fine. One downside I will say is that the mask I bought doesn't have a hard cover for the top or back of your head. Seeing as most of the hits I took were friendly fire (thanks guys!) I will say getting shot in the back of the head with nothing covering it stings like a bitch! haha.
I don’t like full head goggles, I bought a pair early on.
But they feel restrictive (I do have a big head)

Things you can try are a beenie, reverse baseball cap, bandanna etc or a head wrap

A good headwrap can give a padded forehead and a mesh over your head.

Any option depends on your preferences, but the more you have on your head the more likely that it could add to head heat and fogging.