Originally posted by rob_evanson
Yeah sorry to break the fantasie, but back to the point in hand. I agree about the hammer thingy, my hammer (brass) is grating against the inside of the body, the sound it makes is horrible. The hammer seems to have small "ribs" (here we go again! ) which are rubbing the inside of the body. ...........
sounds to be you are describing the velosity adjuster, sounds like u need a new one and look at how long the beaver tail screw is.
generaly they dont make brass hammers.
and if it is all gratey, you need it looked at, not just bung some lube in.
as for the "why not lube hammer" question
1; coz u dont need to, its so smooth and very little friction.
2; all lube will do is slow it down or atract dirt which will cause wear.
2;coz i said so