1. Age: Please tick
00-18 019-21 *22-29 030-39 040-49 050-59
2. Relationship Status: Please tick
0Single 0Dating *Co-habituating 0Married 0Divorced
3. Do you live with any females of 13-55? Please tick
*Yes 0No
If no, please go on to question 5.
4. What is your relationship to them? Please tick
0Mother 0Sister 0Flatmate *Partner 0Landlady
5. What does PMS stand for?
please move(to) scotland(for a week or two).......................................................................................................
6. What do you believe the symptoms of PMS are?
slamming doors, screaming or crying for no reason at all……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Do you know any treatments to easy these symptoms?
me going to a pub after work and return late when shes asleep......................................................................................................
8. Have you even dated or lived with any body who you knew suffered from PMS? Please tick
*Yes 0No
If no, please go on to question 13.
9. What is your relationship to them? Please tick
0Mother 0Sister 0Flatmate *Partner 0Landlady
10. How did they act and feel?
one word: bad
11. How did they act towards you?
see above
12. How did this make you feel?
see above
13. How do you see PMS portrayed in the media? Please mark on the line.
|no opinion--------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|
Positive No opinion Negative
14. How to you see the male perspective of PMS portrayed in the media e.g. men magazines and sitcoms? Please mark on the line.
|no opinion--------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|
Seriously No opinion Light heartedly
Please feel free to write any comments on the subject below.