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Tippmann Response Trigger, Uk Legal?


Active Member
May 9, 2003
The Tippmann E-grip is NOT legal in UK as far as i'm aware because it is pre-programmed with several different firing modes.
As well as standard semi auto, the E-grip can fire the Tippman in 3 shot burst (for each trigger pull)
Auto Response (one shot per pull AND one shot per release of the trigger)
Turbo (adding an extra shot per pull when you fire at a rate in excess of 4 bps)
And dear old Full Auto....
and i think there's another mode but my old brain fails me...

Also, i doubt that you'd get it in through customs and maybe land yourself in a heap of trouble doing so, especially as the Tippmann is a 'replica' style of marker, based on a H & K machine gun!

Just get yourself a nice semi-auto pink Evo Cocker instead


Depending on where you play and how fussy/informed/ thorough the marshals are at checking for trigger bounce you may or may not be able to use a RT trigger. RT triggers can be set so 'responsive' that the ram (behind the trigger) returns the trigger with more force than is needed to pull the trigger, so that holding your finger in a certain position causes the trigger to bounce.
This isn't 'full auto' as the trigger still has to complete a full cycle for each ball fired but there is technically no trigger 'pull' involved which is where the problem lies. The answer is to set the trigger to a moderate responsiveness where the trigger won't bounce, then lock it off with a spanner by tightening the nut on the RT valve.
Obviously be a responsible 'baller and DON'T take the spanner out onto the field so you can unlock the nut... if your Tippmann can't shoot fast enough in semi, then look for marker that can rather than 'bending' the rules and, quite likely, pi55ing people off! :D :D


Active Member
May 9, 2003
And on the subject of CO2 bottles, DOT afaik cannot be 'commercially filled' here for either air OR co2.
All DOT bottles at all Delta Force sites, (where i work), were replaced ages ago by the UK spec BS5045 and subsequently the new European Spec EN1975 /pi marked bottles once the UK spec bottles expired.


Apr 1, 2004
all good information, thanks :). Bottom line then, ill leave any kind of e-grip or RT, tell him if its not quick enuff, then tough. And prolly bug scottish warrior for prices. But he doesnt get paid for a while so i might bug around then, thats if he doesnt go elsewhere, heh.

Thanks again :).


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2001
Rochdale UK
Web page


The link on the previous post did not work so try the above and then click the relevant article. The debate on select, fully auto, burst etc.................... continues and it is a pity we can't stick to one mode - semi automatic without bouncing etc.....

It does p*** me off to a degree when I recently wrote a letter to the Home Office with regards to their firearms consulatation document explaining how well regulated paintball is and how we stick to our/HO guidelines - laws etc.... I feel I waste my time but for every tournie/rec baller out there we have 1000+ customers who don't want to push the issue!!!


[Ringer Patrol] Meat

Not the Halifax man...
Excerpt from the Book of Meat (abridged)

"The Disciples knelt before the gates of the Fortress-Monestry. Their pilgrimage at an end but yet it had only just begun. They had travelled to the holy shrine in Aldershot in search of healing, enlightenment and superior closed-bolt firepower. High above the castle walls, the Warrior-Monks of the clan Tsunami patrolled the battlements protecting the many wonders and secrets within. The first disciple rose to his feet and took a few tentative steps towards the gate with his offerings, a pint of scrumpy and bag of o-rings.
'Blessed protector of the Word of Orr, we seek your knowledge.', he asked. 'Our brother prays to a false god. He has been swayed by the voices from the West that tempt him with promises of speed and has taken the path that will lead him to damnation and select-fire modes. Is this the future for us all? What must we do?'
The Knights above the castle walls stopped moving and bowed their heads. The very air around the the disciples seemed to be waiting for something to happen. Silence. Then it came. A sound coming from everywhere, but from nowhere. From the Armoury, the Magazine, the CNC-forge, the Library and the Holy Car-Park one word rose up from the caslte, the Belsey itself had spoken.


Purity is the defining point between Barbarian and Knight.
Purity must be in his heart and in his hands if he is to find Enlightnment. If his weapon is not pure, then neither is his heart.
Purity is our only salvation in these troubled times

'So what must we do?' asked the disciple.

Send your brother on a Holy quest. He must toil at his place of work in a ritual known as Overtime. Once the torturers reward him with £599.95, send him back here where he shall be absolved of his sins and given a Nightkast Worrblade. Stock permitting, obviously
The air started to move again and the Knights went about their patrols as is they had never stopped. The disciples got up off their knees and began their journey home...