Originally posted by Beaker
Who's got a ND timmy in the UK? only seen then in HB when I had a go with one from the Am squad and can't say I was too taken myself with the looks.
Got an Alias and I love it, although I wish the breech was a little smaller and I still think it should have an adjustbale ram cap.
Beaker one of the lads from Just So Manc (simon I believe) has it black with blue sleeve, did some work on it, then emptied a few bags of paint throught it (just to make sure its worked
) was very impressed definatelly quicker than my Texas which definatelly isnt slow, also liked the way the feed neck isnt pressed in aswell.
Also as Gurney has said we have PBK adjustable ram caps but these are for the older design - not the newer (alias, empire, dogs, etc) which have a different ram design