Destroy everything?A little stronger than that...
Yep. You googled that, didn't you?Named after the Euromast in Rotterdam?
Yep. You googled that, didn't you?
As for alles naar de klote, literally it translates as everything to the bolloxx. Obviously, that has no meaning, but it could be translated as everything f*cked up. As a saying it's used to indicate that everything is f*cked up: "How's things?" "Everything is f*cked up." But it can also be used to indicate that somebody is severely intoxicated/wasted.
Yep. You googled that, didn't you?
As for alles naar de klote, literally it translates as everything to the bolloxx. Obviously, that has no meaning, but it could be translated as everything f*cked up. As a saying it's used to indicate that everything is f*cked up: "How's things?" "Everything is f*cked up." But it can also be used to indicate that somebody is severely intoxicated/wasted.
You were led to believe correctly. Given the ethnicity of my social surroundings when I grew up (and still live in to be honest), it's no real surprise we've been involved in many a tussle with Gabbers (which is basically a Dutch slang for mates). Good thing I'm well versed in the ancient martial art of Mad Squabbles.Speaking of gabber I was always led to believe it was the music of choice for right wing Dutch football casuals,playing it certainly did make clubs less friendly in the latter years it had a bad vibe about it.