I'd like to make an amendment to that suggestion.Maybe the penatly should be that the offender is thrown from a similar height? I.e. marker 1 foot long thrown from 5 feet. So 5 foot person would be thrown from 25 feet. The theory works.
*I'd like to make an amendment to that suggestion.
I'd like to see a compressed air cylinder of exact scale inserted into the anus of the offending cretin.
So say, a 5" gun with a 10" bottle?.........
How about a 6ft human with a 12ft bottle?
Make sense?
From what I've read it was only discussed at the captains meeting and I certainly never seen it implemented, that or any other form of penalisation for that matter.*winces at the thought of it
Would be a hell of a deterant!
Sorry for my slight sidetrack from the thread topic.
So, for the masters, is the 341 an official rule or something that was thought up on the day and hasn't officily been highlighted.