my angle is purely the intenstity of X that makes the individual skillz required, that much sharper and more honed. eg - when playing 7man you may get two or three occasions over the whole weekend, were you need to make a move, or be the better snap shot, or be quicker to your primary or secondary in order to achieve dominance, in XBall its every single point that these very skillz need to be achieved, thus meaning you have a smaller edge to live on, and as thus increases the importance of that said skill.
i think this makes the skill set of the top NXL/XBall players that much of a higher standard, and credit to the likes of Dallasty and the other dual format teams, that manage to play to this high standard in which ever format they are playing.
the game of X does not allow the one of wins, by being lucky, whereas 7man allows the odd upset.
take our game in Amsterdam against Dynasty, we took three games off them, imagine that one of those games was a 7man game in SD, we would of been the talk of the town! but in Dam we werent, cos they took the match, quite comfortably i recall!