One question that needs answering is what do you guys want? Go read some of the threads in MLT and you'll find a new question: Do you guys want a league that has top class competition, good reffing and all that, or do you want a league in fantastic locations with bells and whistles like massages, music and stuff like that? You can't have both, nobody will be able to pay for that...
So, do you want fun, or do you want to be a sport?
If you want to be a sport, a new question pops into my mind...
I know for a fact that many teamsports have been suffering at the amateur level lately. Sure, the premiership will always exist, but the amateur club teams have suffered in recent years. Membership numbers have gone down, and many players don't attend as many training sessions as they should and sometimes used to. One of the reasons for this is the slow shift towards a 24/7 economy, where it is normal to be working outside regular office hours and on the weekends.
To be honest, I don't think the cost of playing paintball is the true problem, the troubles most paintball teams go through are far from unique even when compared to sports that cost little more than a pair of shoes and a membership.
Why don't the captains that run such teams get in touch with some of the local sportsclubs and ask them how they keep people interested and attendences up?
You guys want to be a sport, so look at how other sports are doing it.
Active recruitment is one of the most important things you can do. And believe me, active recruitment at an amateur level does not equal poaching from other teams, it means getting new people to start to play. And yes, I understand that needs the help from site owners to some extend, but since all of you have a place to train, that can'tbe the problem.
Paintball needs new blood, and a lot of it.