I have read thru this thread a few times to make sure I have a good understanding of people's ideas concerning the demise of our tournament scene.
I'm not saying I am gonna come up with the definitive answer but I will do my best to dovetail your ideas with what's practical.
I use the word 'practical' because there is absolutely no point in me coming up with a plan to put things right and then nobody does fcuk all about it ... think about it, how many times have we seen great ideas fall by the wayside because people just can't be arsed ?
The Millennium player's union for one !
And so, my job here is to make sure any answers I come up with is ‘doable’ in terms of getting people to work on it ....
It is obvious, we need more tourney players, and we need a better organized event series but the first emphasis has to be on identifying one of two possibilities; do we have a reduced transition from rec to tourney or ....do we have a healthy transition but once those guys have sampled tourney ball, they don't hang around?
I have made this point before but I will focus on it because it's fundamental.
My guess would be, it’s the latter - maybe there is a lower transition rate but I think its effect is relatively less important.
Firstly, we need to tidy up our act with regard to tournaments and already, some people are looking toward creating a series that is aligned in some way with the Millennium...talks are already underway...
In theory, this is good because it gives our domestic tournament scene a much needed focus and there will also be a trickle down effect from the Millennium toward these events.
Millennium events are ran well, they have a comprehensive and professional rule book and their standards / protocols of operation are excellent.
That said, any domestic event series that looks to feed into the Millennium MUST abide by similar protocols and standards.
I'm not talking about bells and whistles here, I am talking about judging, rules, health and safety, Hpac air and so on....
This is the trickle-down principle of operation ....in operation !!!
OK, I am gonna assume here we have the people to provide these leagues and I would be thinking of people like Jim Frensham, Wendy, Chris Pelling, Big Sid, Bully, Rich Harris and Gill (Just Paintball) need to get to grips with this in some way.
I really don’t care how they go about it but these are the sort of people who need to put it together..and I would also appoint Ledz as head consultant.
He’s a busy man but any input from him would prove invaluable and if he can give advice, then that group of promoters should follow it, religiously.
I don't give a flying sh!t about politics, brands, company affiliations or anything else that might get in the way here because there are much bigger fish to fry than petty attempts to feather your own nest ...
But there is only one way we can achieve adherence to the goal in question and I will come to that later.
Now before I venture forward, I need to make something clear here, our history of our leagues working together is about as successful as Scotland is at football (sorry Sid), we are useless when it comes to co-operation, absolutely fackin useless, we are like a bunch of kids looking after our sweets in the playground.
I think somebody told me that two years ago, a meeting was set up between promoters in the UK where they all agreed a standardised format and co-operation ...they all left the meeting and nothing was ever done .....our history sucks !!
And I'm afraid the only way we can get these promoters working together is by asking these people to join a board of some description, then electing someone who is able to control proceedings and is seen as an independent and has no bias one way or the other, (Ledz would be a great candidate but I doubt he would have the time but if he did, then we would be onto a winner.)
The appointed head then oversees the direction these group of promoters need to take, and tries to dovetail all the disparate interests of league promoters and keep the board on track.
Of course we can always let the promoters sort it out between themselves but I'm afraid they ain’t been all that successful in that department and maybe it's time to try another way ....getting the promoters to all agree to this structure will be difficult but they have little choice if they are serious about wanting to do anything to help Britball.
For the time being, these promoters have to think about the long dollar and not get too hung up if they ain’t making loads of money in the short term.
Once this has been initiated, we then have to address other issues and one of those is cost ...there have been many ideas concerning fixed paint events, lowering BPS and so on.
One of the ways we can achieve this is I think, the lowering of BPS and I reckon 10 maybe 12 bps at a push is a pretty good start because it does two things:-
a) It cuts costs.
b) It opens up the game whereby reducing the avalanche of paint players have to face when they consider a move and therefore promotes aggressive (more attractive) games
These two initiatives are positive moves in terms of keeping transition players in tourney ball because of the two benefits mentioned.
I am sure there are more benefits but those two alone should be enough.
As to any derision from players who squeal, 'nooo, i want my marker to fire at 20 balls a second' or whatever, I say, 'fcuk 'em', I don't give a sh!t what they squeal, we need to get serious here and this is a positive step in the right direction.
We need to take our game back from an industry seemingly drunk on the sales pitch of ever increasing firing rates ...it's a false dawn here and one doomed to fail ...look where it's got us ....and whilst some 16 yr old wannabee pro can boast his marker shoots more BPS than his pal's, our sport is becoming sedentary, boring to watch and obsessed with quantity and not quality.
We need to grab our sport back from this lunacy and place it back in the hands of skilled players .. and not leave it in the hands of industry marketing machines, 16 yr old wannabees and the rest having to follow like sheep ....
To back track a little, if we subsequently find out the real problem isn’t with tourney ball being unable to sustain interest from transitional players, and the real problem is the number coming from rec ball has severely decreased, then we need to address this problem and open up talks with site owners but that’s hopefully not needed but we need a plan B just in case.
I don’t think this is the case but of course, we can all be wrong.
As for format ?
This is easy, 7-man is dead or dying with the 5-man format being the dominant choice, and so it should be.
And so, we have hopefully identified the problem and with the help of the tourney organisers mentioned will provide parachute events for any new players to attend that won’t immediately have them scurrying back to the woods or leaving paintball altogether.
The softening of firing rates and the resultant softening of the game will also play its part here and consequently head off the possibility of these new players coming ‘face to face’ with all that is bad about our tourney scene now.
One of the problems I flagged up a few years back was, we had the wrong demographic playing in our tournament scene for us to create good teams and it may be worthwhile explaining again what I meant.
We have very few walk-on sites now, and as a consequence of this, it forces players who do not want to continue playing in the woods toward our tourney scene who would otherwise just play walk-ons.
We are all assuming players who leave punter-ball in the woods and head toward Sup’ Air can automatically be described as tourney players.
Unfortunately, this is not the case ..... a lot of Sup’Air players play for fun and are not competitively minded.
And so, instead of having a competitive demographic our tourney scene used to have, it is now a mixture of the competitively minded and displaced walk-ons who have nowhere else to go.
This isn’t a healthy demographic if we are to compete in an international sense but it also means our tourney scene is probably even worse off than a first glance might suggest.
This problem will tend to iron itself out as more players end up staying in our revamped events ...hopefully.
As I said before, we have a varied mix of influences all being bought to bear on our tourney scene but we need to start somewhere and I believe what I have suggested will give us a start.
I have reduced the problem to a few different areas even though I realise there are several more problems, I have done this because we need to focus our attention and introducing too many initiatives just means nothing gets done.
I think something is being arranged at the up and coming Paris event next week and I’ve been asked to join in; let’s hope we can get something going.
I don't mind helping out, I don't stand to gain one damned thing in sorting this out whilst everybody else will benefit and this reason alone dictates my patience has limits.
I will have no time for people constantly trying to 'arrange' things because it suits them and if I come up against the sort of resistance we have met soo many times before, I am outa there like a whippet with its balls alight.
It's time to get serious and actualy DO something!
What I have written doesn’t pretend to be the definitive answer and we still need to hear people’s input .....I think it’s our first step maybes and of course, any idea is gonna be organic in that it will evolve as we go along ....but we need to start somewhere guys.