![GI Team Colors](https://i.imgur.com/St7FKkA.gif)
My opinion
Wow....this is what it feels like to post again....I'd forgotten.
My opinion is simple. Paintballers are lazy and will talk the talk, but through experience I know all the talk in the world will not change a thing unless you step up to the plate and stick to your word. My opinion on one National League, it won't work, simple as that. Paintballers want to play with as little fuss as possible, end of. They don't want to drive 8 hours, sleep for 4, play for 10 then drive for 8, unless they have no choice, like we did for 10 years!!!
So, how would I do this if it was me. Simple, you create a select league rather than a national one. Teams are approached by the league organisers and selected to play. So, teams aspire to playing the "by invitation only" National Paintball League, so it's not a case of oh we have nothing on this weekend let's play the NPL. It becomes a prestigous event.
You run 2-3 Divisions of 8 teams, do we lock it for the season, no, we allow teams to move up and down division according to their performance. So, top 2 from Div2 move up and bottom 2 down etc, so that we don't have a team mowing all other teams for a year. And also gives teams something to push for month to month, if this is the scenario.
So, do you select the BEST in the UK....hmmm...tough one, would the BEST commit to playing it? This is the question and what makes them the best, winning local events, we can't take European standing into account because you only have 10 teams max who actually commit to Europe and not just one or 2 events.
I would say, we have someone who knows their teams, i.e. Ledz, Robbo etc, someone big(and I don't mean size) to sit down and select the teams they want in the league. Then approach them with what the league has to offer, look after the teams and they will look after you.
I've always said I'd like to see an Eclipse National Paintball League because these guys know their stuff. And when they do something they do it right.
So.....hope this makes sense to you all, as I say I've not posted in a while so apologies if it doesn't make any sense...it does in my head.
1. Location - Central UK
2. ECLIPSE National Paintball League
3. No locked Divisions i.e. Teams can move up and down.
4. Millennium Gun Rules
5. Excellent Refs
6. Teams contracted to season
7. Teams by invitation only
Good Luck....
PS as for promoting paintball as a sport....A1 Paintball has an office on the hight street in a busy town, on our window we have a huge graphic for promoting paintball...is it johnny commando, no, it's a Clan player(me obviously) playing in the PA wearing bright yellow Evil Gear, JT mask, shooting an Ego....this is massive and promotes paintball as a sport. My car has the same graphics, and the busiest roundabout in West Lothian also uses the same graphics, we promote paintball as our business, but we use the sport as our marketing tool.
Wow....this is what it feels like to post again....I'd forgotten.
My opinion is simple. Paintballers are lazy and will talk the talk, but through experience I know all the talk in the world will not change a thing unless you step up to the plate and stick to your word. My opinion on one National League, it won't work, simple as that. Paintballers want to play with as little fuss as possible, end of. They don't want to drive 8 hours, sleep for 4, play for 10 then drive for 8, unless they have no choice, like we did for 10 years!!!
So, how would I do this if it was me. Simple, you create a select league rather than a national one. Teams are approached by the league organisers and selected to play. So, teams aspire to playing the "by invitation only" National Paintball League, so it's not a case of oh we have nothing on this weekend let's play the NPL. It becomes a prestigous event.
You run 2-3 Divisions of 8 teams, do we lock it for the season, no, we allow teams to move up and down division according to their performance. So, top 2 from Div2 move up and bottom 2 down etc, so that we don't have a team mowing all other teams for a year. And also gives teams something to push for month to month, if this is the scenario.
So, do you select the BEST in the UK....hmmm...tough one, would the BEST commit to playing it? This is the question and what makes them the best, winning local events, we can't take European standing into account because you only have 10 teams max who actually commit to Europe and not just one or 2 events.
I would say, we have someone who knows their teams, i.e. Ledz, Robbo etc, someone big(and I don't mean size) to sit down and select the teams they want in the league. Then approach them with what the league has to offer, look after the teams and they will look after you.
I've always said I'd like to see an Eclipse National Paintball League because these guys know their stuff. And when they do something they do it right.
So.....hope this makes sense to you all, as I say I've not posted in a while so apologies if it doesn't make any sense...it does in my head.
1. Location - Central UK
2. ECLIPSE National Paintball League
3. No locked Divisions i.e. Teams can move up and down.
4. Millennium Gun Rules
5. Excellent Refs
6. Teams contracted to season
7. Teams by invitation only
Good Luck....
PS as for promoting paintball as a sport....A1 Paintball has an office on the hight street in a busy town, on our window we have a huge graphic for promoting paintball...is it johnny commando, no, it's a Clan player(me obviously) playing in the PA wearing bright yellow Evil Gear, JT mask, shooting an Ego....this is massive and promotes paintball as a sport. My car has the same graphics, and the busiest roundabout in West Lothian also uses the same graphics, we promote paintball as our business, but we use the sport as our marketing tool.