Those cheapy metal dental picks?Wilkinsons are the kings of paintball tools.
Allen multitool kind of thing, a dozen allen keys that fold out from a bright yellow rubberised grip £2.
Set of 4 oring picks £3.
Lots of stuff thats all cheap enough that you don't have to go balistic when someone 'borrows' them
Fixedit cought my eye because iv been through about 2 packs of halfrauds alan keys already, and i spent about 15 min's trying to get some damn o'rigs out of an ions feedneck
plus the random tools could be handy for other things like camping.
I think i may just invest in it, then tell everyone how bad it is and regret buying it, plus i need an asa and as theres on in the classifieds, may as well give just a little more money