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This Playing at the back malarky is nice...


Active Member
Jul 8, 2001
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I s'pose it doesn't help when your own team mates are shooting you in the back.

Although it was nice of Gilly to call it instantly


bang bang bang

"On your hopper Al"


Lord of the Ringtones
Yeah, definately what Buddha3 said for hefting the big stuff, in addition to needing a set of fingers with never ending spasm, good eyesight, multiple attention span, good set of lungs and rip proof vocal chords, ability to make multiple decisions at once, ability to communicate useful info to team and heckle opposition without confusing both sides as to what you want to say to each and getting it clearly understood (both are equally necessary at times) at the same time, be the most accurate shot on the field, and have the financial backing to be able to pay for practice and tourneys until when paint starts costing less (bought as a team, for example) and/or is paid for in part or full by someone else.