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Think of This !


Still tastin' paint
Aug 6, 2009
It seems to me that in general, people with greater intelligence seem to have a better grasp of the English language, if only because people have a tendency to talk to them more and thus they have more opportunities to practice it.
This isn't completely clear cut though, as I've come across many people in my (admittedly short) life that are extremely clever but have trouble stringing two coherent sentences together.

@ Gary - It's always been my opinion that if you have acquired a skill in something, no matter what it is, then you are more intelligent as a result. Put simply, because you know more afterwards than you did when you started then you must have gained some degree of knowledge and thus are more intelligent. Of course, that's only if you are saying intelligence is determined by how much you know :p


On the prowl again
Sep 16, 2005
ah a subject i can answer, and this is the reason why i don't answer on here. whilst i feel like i am a very intelligent guy, my use of the the English language whilst typing lets me down. so this stops me from saying what i want. and i get intimidated when posting. even more so when i know i have to go up againt some of the better posters.
I hear you there buddy;) i think sometimes intelligence breads arrogance,,hence the fear of posting things sometimes with the fear of being flamed for punctuation and spelling.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I can understand why some people might feel intimidated when thinking about posting, I don't like this but I realise it happens.

People do get flamed for bad spelling that's for sure but in the vast majority of these cases, they deserve it.
The liberal-hearted among us may well deem this inappropriate and believe some people are indulging in unnecessary bullying but I think I can hopefully shed some light here.

The guys who attract the flames are the people who spell terribly but are NOT dyslexic, tho some people default to blaming their bad spelling on dyslexia when they know full well they are not ... this in my opinion is deplorable and actually insults those people who are true dyslexics.

And so, these lazy people, who festoon their posts with halfwit grammar and deplorable spelling have also declined to use the spell-check facility that anybody can so easily download to their browser.

When people post, there is a tacit responsibility here to make your post readable and to that end, if you post and expect people to take note of any point you make, then you gotta make sure it's presentable.

I don't think it's too much to ask.

But, if we have guys like yourself discouraged from posting, then something is going wrong here.
I will add tho, and I think this is implied in my initial post, intelligent people tend to write well, and this is because they use their intelligence, as most people do, to acquaint themselves with correct grammar and spelling, unintelligent people have a problem with this process, and understandably so.

Spell-check is a marvelous tool and should make bad spelling redundant in just one download ...... I would hope you two guys do post on here because there is a distinctive difference between posts from yourselves and posts from lazy people, you have nothing to fear from anybody and if you were flamed, then I am damned sure, our mods will jump on it.

Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
I'm not particulartly intelligent. But I can spell.

Maybe I should form a writing partnership with Lump...........



Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
Pharmacists, No - Chemists, possibly !
The smartest kid in my school went on to become a pharmacist.
In my mind he was pretty smart, because pharmacists earn a mint, whereas chemists of the most part do not.

I used to think I was smart with my biology degree and now Ive built on that with 4 years working in some decent industry for some bigger players, but now its dawning on me that ill never really earn much for it and feel pretty silly.

I can write well and feel I am very articulate, particular compared to most people on here. However, sometimes due to laziness I wouldnt show this very well, and can be as immature / silly as anyone, which some people might attribute to a lack of intelligence.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I'm not particularly intelligent. But I can spell.

Maybe I should form a writing partnership with Lump...........

I think your post ironically reveals the problem Jon, you don't have to be particularly intelligent to spell properly [not for one minute am I agreeing with you on your self assessment] with the advent of these spell check programs on hand but I also think the real irony is, I don't think you have to be 'intelligent' to write properly anyway ..... this being the case, it suggests a few home truths maybe.


Phantoms are still cool
Apr 14, 2008
A degree is not proof of intellegence it's a measure of your ability to learn.

I have two degrees but know people more intelligent than me with none.