Whoa Boy!
Easy Tiger! Gee i hope your diet is low in saturated fats cos all that stress is baaad karma for your ol' ticker m8!
Robbo... take a chill pill and give over flaming everyone who has a differing opinion to you. The UKPL is a good idea. It's helping paintball in the UK grow... why flame it? On a personal level, I really don't give a **** that you call me "stupid", "smart ass", "idiot" or suggest that i should go back beneath my "little stone". If calling nobodies like me names make you feel big & important well whoopie do, good on yer m8! Luckily i've ben playing ball for a while now and am acquainted with your frequent outbursts so won't be deterred from continuing in the sport i love by your insults. Had i been a newbie maybe i would have... I don't feel the need to "do something on the field" in order to "make my mark on the game", because for me it's not about making a mark, it's about enjoying every game i play and striving to ensure the public enjoy every rec-game I marshal, in the hope that some will want to take their game a bit further possibly even ending up as Nexus fodder... who knows???
Easy Tiger! Gee i hope your diet is low in saturated fats cos all that stress is baaad karma for your ol' ticker m8!
Robbo... take a chill pill and give over flaming everyone who has a differing opinion to you. The UKPL is a good idea. It's helping paintball in the UK grow... why flame it? On a personal level, I really don't give a **** that you call me "stupid", "smart ass", "idiot" or suggest that i should go back beneath my "little stone". If calling nobodies like me names make you feel big & important well whoopie do, good on yer m8! Luckily i've ben playing ball for a while now and am acquainted with your frequent outbursts so won't be deterred from continuing in the sport i love by your insults. Had i been a newbie maybe i would have... I don't feel the need to "do something on the field" in order to "make my mark on the game", because for me it's not about making a mark, it's about enjoying every game i play and striving to ensure the public enjoy every rec-game I marshal, in the hope that some will want to take their game a bit further possibly even ending up as Nexus fodder... who knows???