Hi there. The PGi teamspeak is up and running, if you know what it is I hope to see you straight on there (details are on the following post), if not then my post explains all...
Please can it be stickied and I hope you can all lead the way and start using it to resolve tech problems users might have e.g. come on the teamspeak and I can explain what's wrong with your cocker.
It's also there just for general chat, be it to brag about your latest gat, or the time you shot 25 players in a row. Maybe to tell people about your upcoming game, anyway it's there so ballers around the world can start talking when they get home from work/school and have a talk.
Please promote it and get as many of the forum users on here on it as possible
And if possible (as this would really help things) could someone please duplicate my post that is on the gaming board onto the News board as an announcement so all the users can see it as it is not just to do with gaming but paintball with general.
I hope to hear you on there soon! Check it out!
Feel free to connect anytime, there'll probably be some people on, and 8pm (British Time) everyday is the evening chat so if you're just going to come on once a day, come on then and we should have loads of people on!
PLUS all mods will automatically recieve admin powers on it (because I'm nice like that) Go on the server and ask me to set it up for you!
+ All platinum members will get a bit of power as well, ask me on the forum
Thanks Mods
Please can it be stickied and I hope you can all lead the way and start using it to resolve tech problems users might have e.g. come on the teamspeak and I can explain what's wrong with your cocker.
It's also there just for general chat, be it to brag about your latest gat, or the time you shot 25 players in a row. Maybe to tell people about your upcoming game, anyway it's there so ballers around the world can start talking when they get home from work/school and have a talk.
Please promote it and get as many of the forum users on here on it as possible
And if possible (as this would really help things) could someone please duplicate my post that is on the gaming board onto the News board as an announcement so all the users can see it as it is not just to do with gaming but paintball with general.
I hope to hear you on there soon! Check it out!
Feel free to connect anytime, there'll probably be some people on, and 8pm (British Time) everyday is the evening chat so if you're just going to come on once a day, come on then and we should have loads of people on!
PLUS all mods will automatically recieve admin powers on it (because I'm nice like that) Go on the server and ask me to set it up for you!
+ All platinum members will get a bit of power as well, ask me on the forum
Thanks Mods