Can I do the split? lmaso
Yer baby just a tad.
Please rember I am girly and take my shoes away
( god help me did I SAY that.
Bearing in mind I tend to wear very high heels 3-6" so then I am 6 foot)
I am in reality only 5 5"
So 6 foot 2" is really as physically high as I can possibly kick we are talking straight up!!!!
A comparsum for you, here hold you arm straight up in the air, ok mesure the hight your wrist... I am kicking to my wrist hight and I can do it box too lol
Tee hee years of practise wearing steel tiped stillettos makes you very accurate! if I could shoot as well hee hee ........ you get my drift to with in an inch even on repeate and speed stuff
The splits Ha!
Not only can a slide into full splits any time I want to I can also hold it for at least 5 minuets and bounce and turn and face opposit direction
It takes years of streaching and keeping it up I do not call my self supple ollie and physio do but ....... Nasty fall dislocated every thing. The only reason I am still alive is because I am supple, any other person would have and should have broken their neck!
I was luck to get away with ripping every thing and dislocating a whole heap of stuff.
Contortionst I could explain but a picture if I had one would be far simpler.
Gymnast pha
Yup been there done that still cartwheel usually after a good game
about 3 or 4 of them tee hee
You can stiil lift weights enough to tone and give great strength with out the loss of suppleness and agility. It's only ripping muscles to build bulk that wil make it difficult or too much flab getting in the way lol
When I was what I would call really fit size 10 of pure muscle it was all very toned no flab and was very quick on my feet, I dance a lot and am lucky to have amazing balance.
Bearing in mind I can dead lift all 18+ stone of cromb and throw sacks of camo. Dead lifting weight is not a problem just carrying it, hence need for light marker and getting back to the gym
Fight movies real boys stuff but enjoy, nice thing about being mega stupple is you can bend and wiggle out of most stiuations and it also gives you a really long reach balance again helps (stops you falling over).
Good luck try kicking top of the door frame or I find lamp shades good. Tap enough to touch but not move them, really gets your aim homed lol