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The rules

Originally posted by Beaker
Agreed on the clarity thing :)

I can read that sentence about 4 or 5 different ways and could use each to justify a certain decision (like Nick's calling players out for bounces).

I actually agree with you, but included the breaking paint bit as Nick was using this rule as the criteria for elimination - which obviously must include the paint breaking.

And if you are being really picky it says "A judge will determine whether a player felt a hit by where that paintball impacted his body" so in theory a player can get shot in his battle pack 20 times but if he doesn't flinch it's not obvious as it's neither easily observable nor on his body.

You do have a BIG task on your hands .............
No sh!t sherlock :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

But we are still sure if it us who will be responsible for the re-write (I actually hope we are), I just know we have too clean up the Bitburg crap ASAP.




Sytraxz Graphics inc.
Feb 18, 2002
New York

damn ya all gotta be techinical about them rules dont ya? just take it this way, if u shot him and it breaks hes dead/out of the game. if it hits him and it doesnt break hes wounded/gonna be a slower target till he recoveres. so whilst hes a little sluggish u usually nail them any way so hes still out.