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The Rules

Paul (fusionUK)

Need Nickname?!?!?!
Jul 9, 2001
Manchester UK
Originally posted by matt bryant
yeh a lot of sites use slightly different rules but most of the rules apply to all tourneyz.
I cant believe that soo few people including marshalls knew about the short or rolled up sleeve rule :D
What rules that then Buddy???

Only kidding, I'm guessing you're not allowed rolled up or short sleeves then?

1 of my reasons for asking was I played a tourny once and my marker packed in so I thought sod this put it down and made a run for the flag, I got it but then got pulled as I'd put my marker down, I never knew about that rule.


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
You!!!??? run for a flag!!!! wish id seen that!!!!! :)
If a ref comes and has a go, , just say to him, preferably in a mexican bandit voice, I haff no need foh youwr rooels, sumbeesh!!!
L8r buddy
Hi guys

just reading this thread and I had the same problem once upon a time.

We do have our own official site rules, although this is aimed at customers and newbies not tourney players. That will come and will be slightly diffrent to accomadate tourneys more agressive play and diffrent rule by the way full atos are totally ilegal here in uk and carry a prison sentance if caught in possession of such.
Customer days are about a safe fun fair day for all.

Tourney is more technical with more penaties for cheeting bad behaviour ie agressive play tantrums, even leaving the feild before being dismissed can cost you pointsand hot guns. The boys ended up 4th not 3rd due to points being lost on hot guns
(croning at over 300 feet per second still the UKPSF max)

Try Stevie Bull at the afore mentioned UKPFS he should know.


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
The kit rule about losing hte gun is standard for both Millennium and NPPL.

You aren't allowed to loose your kit and go more than 5 yards from it e.g. drop your pack and marker and run the flag.

it's in the full Millennium rules somewhere or in the printed one you get at each tourney