Andy have been trying to contact you but your phone's never on!!! cxan you call me regarding the 2008 season please, on 0781 6650749qoute: but a car park come onwhats next tescos ? for the money you pay.
with all due respect mate but the PA is held in a feild, and not all of the millenium events are in car parks so there isnt much point in your comment really,
p.s russ great idea mate id be up for playing a few events if any1s looking for a guest spot
As for that where the heck do you think the majority of NPPL events have been staged, its amazing what turf can disguise. Ain't it great how UK ballers pi$$ & moan if it ain't cricket pitch perfect considering what the rest of the world are happy to play on.qoute: but a car park come onwhats next tescos ? for the money you pay.
with all due respect mate but the PA is held in a field, and not all of the millennium events are in car parks so there isn't much point in your comment really,
p.s russ great idea mate id be up for playing a few events if any1s looking for a guest spot
When a final decision has been made the PA will continue to keep in line with the PSP mode.will the rate of fire change along with PSP?
13.33 or whatever it is