Edit :Nope, nothing reported to any relevant body. And nothing in the national accident stats either. BUT. le-pig knows of one, so mebbe It's recorded elsewhere. also...assumed you meant by being hit by a paintball as you'd asked after I mentioned the Byker grove thing. End of edit.
Not to say it won't so stay safe, safer than we are now as I've seen some complacency around.
People seem to be getting lax as it hasn't happened.
I was once asked by a site owner what would actually happen if a paintball hit an eyeball.......(most people assume it will pop the eye).
It probably won't, the eyeball is actually tough and leathery, the shock of the impact will transmit through the humors (the watery parts) and do massive damage to the nerves (the optic in particular) also damaging the retina and cornea. Upshot is lots and lots of pain followed by degenerating vision over a week or so then unavoidable loss of sight in the eye.
This is what any high energy impact will do to the eye.... here's a good one for the "age gap"... everyone 30 plus.....remember when you could shake up a pop bottle and launch the top? (like champagne) ...... check out the lids....all pop bottles have side vents that void the gas as soon as you release (that's why it shoots down the sides with the lid still on now...that safety feature was introduced in the late 80's after a spate of the injury I've described above........that's from extremely low pressure C02 and relatively low velocity plastic lids... not a 300fps paintball with more energy and a lower surface area.
So, we need safety marshalling like the PA cup.........those guys were a bunch of B@st@!d$ for goggle lifting..........superb, exactly as it should be.