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The Mug


National Treasure
Nov 12, 2002
If I feel a mugging is on its way, get manoevourable, get on your feet if you can, crouch, keep your head up, and if see a flicker of movement put the paint down if you can depending on the range, then flick back over to other side and look round, keep on looking around...


oh yer baby!
Dec 4, 2002
First thing to do is too work out which side they are facing. ie. Look for there paint, at their shadow, most likely direction due to bunker position. etc.

Then try to come around the bunker on the opposite side. (Hence why you should be capable of shooting with both hands.)

(qoute from Gee)

also, run and shoot, put paint on your man as u run to him, he aint gonna poke his head out like this cus he's gonna get a face full! as u get to hisbunker, get low just incase he sees u then pop 1 in his back! sweet as.
remember, when he's out, get in cover!


MK Storm
Apr 12, 2002
When mugging you can blindside the opponent, dont run down the side run straight to his bunker as if going into it, then go round when you get there, this makes it so he cant see you coming (9 times out of 10) he will probably be shooting out the sides, also if your the last guy left thats where they will mug you from.

My personal fav. is going to the other side of the opponents bunker and standing there while I figure out what side he is firing, then walk round and shoot him, as for shooting in the head etc. I don`t really agree with that, basically the paint is going to burst anywhere at that range and you cant really aim anyway as you are sort of guessing where he is, my tip walk round and fire til you see one burst then carry on, if he shoots you then you should be wiped down.

Davo at work

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Oct 8, 2002
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Defending a mugging

If you are the last guy on the field and you are facing 3-4 opponents you are gereally speaking going to end up as toast, one tactic that I find works for me is if you are the last man standing take 2-3 steps back from your bunker (if its coke can as mine invariably are!), this allows you to see both running lanes and also suprises the mugger sometimes as they dont have their gun in a shooting position whilst making their move on you and expect to wrap around the bunker and blast you from 2 feet. This also means that if they do get their gun up and get a shot off they are normally always running so it makes them much more inaccurate.

It also means that you dont have to try too hard to swap from side to side and if truth be known although you are effectively hanging out more than you should if you do get shot from range it aint going to hurst half as much!!!!!!!!!!!! :D