Looking at it realisticly, id either last very long or for a very short amount of time. im a city lad, and as the poplation in cities is big, and the infectitivty would spread like wildfire in these communities you'd have to bug out and fast! I've got a 30ltr camping bag, so i'd fill it with food, not to mention the other bags ive got... and here comes the horrible part, quite alot of my neighbors are old folks...( come on , they wouldnt last 2 minutes! ) i'd proabaly end up killing them and looting all therir possesions that are of use/i havn't got. there are about 20 old people in about 100 metre radius of my house, let the blood spill!!
Weapon wise i'd end up having my hockey stick, and a smallish knife in my bag, should be sufficent for a couple of weeks until something decent is found ( hockey sticks are freaking vicious, definatly smash some undead and living heads in with scary effectiveness as its made out of wood and carbon fiber, my other stick is made out of aramid, not as durable as wood and breaks under/sevre impact so it wouldnt serve as well )
as for the plan where to go? maybe to the coast, big open area that you can see for miles around, or possably the sailsbury plain. i have a tent, so i'd most likley cover it in a few black bin bags, for protection and to reduce visiblity at night. i'd also tear up a fair amount of grass to dust over it, to reduce the visibilty of the tent even more. ( must have a look out!! )
But i think i would cope in an urban enviromen better than others, i can fit into tiny spaces and can climb pretty damn well, which would be essential if the buildings had been ruined/you need to get another way into a building like a hospital, firestation, something like that.
Clothing wise id have my astroturf shoes and my CAT boots on, astro being for when you need to go quite into a building ( mainly for the purpose of going into buildings ) and the boots for pretty much everything else! trouser's, i'd wear my valken pants, there the only durable thing iv'e got left after i left cadets and had to give back my fatigues

tops id once again wear something paintball related, my dye jersey as that thing just doesnt want to break, and is quite flexiable and does keep me quite warm!
Epic thread