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The Edinburgh 'Incident'


Platinum Member
Feb 12, 2008
most of your average marshalls that work at these chain sites are absolute idiots. There are of course the few that have been blessed with a bit of common sense. Im not going to say where but ive been to a few sites after hours and theyve been drinking jack and coke and smoking joints before going out to play, i mean i dont really give a moose's last sh!t if they're a bunch of stoners but not when were about to play.

But i never ever found this at one off kind of sites, some of the best sites in the country are the ones people least visit because they're potential customers have been bullied into playing by the reps of the chain fields you see on the high street and in shopping centres.

this isn't to say all chain sites are filled with idiots and are crap but if marshalls are shooting at each other in the face then they deserve what happens for acting a tit.


Registered Sociopath
i played there once on a punter day with guys from work and it was very unprofessional, proof off their stupiditty is in the statments they made
Quote: When Blyth was questioned by police over the incident, he told officers he had picked up the weapon from a pile of guns which had been in storage.

He said Mr Weir had earlier pointed the gun at his own face before putting it into his mouth and firing it twice


Mar 1, 2009
When marshalling as said before the fear that some one will lift there mask and when you give a serious safety briefing and say balls shoot at 300fps can take your eye clean out yada yada they must have told the punters this and then to even be around guns without a mask fundamental failure!

Feel sorry for any punter! just my 2 cents



New Member
Dec 11, 2008
One of the marshals at my site Printed this story off and posted up in our staff hut as a reminder of what can happen if you're not careful. For an expeirienced marshal to be stupid enough to do this is pathetic really. it would be bad enough to see punters doing this with masks on but marshalls?? HA. Oh well, it gives me another story to tell in my safety breif


Fortiter et Recte!!
Aug 22, 2006
Isnt this one of the first instances of someone actually being injured by a paintball in the eye? Man, ive tried to look around so if a player lifts their goggles midgame, i can get them afterwards with a real life account and strike fear into them :D - Finally i have one.
But its seriously stupid - this happened marshal to marshal, off peak hours or not, sure you can have a bit of fun, but at the site I work at, its safety first, no compromises.


Jon & Chris rock my socks
May 13, 2008
Many more of these and we might be having to get licenses....

Edit: Oh, that's all IMO by the way, before I get jumped on.

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
Isnt this one of the first instances of someone actually being injured by a paintball in the eye? Man, ive tried to look around so if a player lifts their goggles midgame, i can get them afterwards with a real life account and strike fear into them :D - Finally i have one.
But its seriously stupid - this happened marshal to marshal, off peak hours or not, sure you can have a bit of fun, but at the site I work at, its safety first, no compromises.
Unfortunately not. Myself and another kid I know have both been injured in fairly similar ways within the last couple of years, im sure there will have been more over time, but it would seem our injuries were not as serious (luckily!)