It took me about 10 hungover minutes to reply to Bon's initial post ,by which time you had posted your views , but I thought I caught the point in my answer to Bon ..
I disagree with your stance, I think people use the "kiddy killer" line as an excuse to vent there own anger and show there views in a way that they are unlikely to get disagreement from anybody, which is a bit of a weak play in my eyes ,I have two kids and I would wreck serious vengeance on anyone that harmed them but that's down too the personal love of a father. As an educated human being I believe that we need a strong and fair judicial system ...not Sharia law.We need to get rid of the Masonic 100 year olds with no grasp on reality that we call judges, we definitely need to get rid of the extended appeals processes and red tape that cost us all a fortune and I'm actually with Dodge on the repeat offenders thang to a degree but we don't need to be America doesn't work and they prove it ad-nauseum..
Edit: and that ^^^ aint everything I've got ...
I disagree with your stance, I think people use the "kiddy killer" line as an excuse to vent there own anger and show there views in a way that they are unlikely to get disagreement from anybody, which is a bit of a weak play in my eyes ,I have two kids and I would wreck serious vengeance on anyone that harmed them but that's down too the personal love of a father. As an educated human being I believe that we need a strong and fair judicial system ...not Sharia law.We need to get rid of the Masonic 100 year olds with no grasp on reality that we call judges, we definitely need to get rid of the extended appeals processes and red tape that cost us all a fortune and I'm actually with Dodge on the repeat offenders thang to a degree but we don't need to be America doesn't work and they prove it ad-nauseum..
Edit: and that ^^^ aint everything I've got ...