Hello everyone. Had loads of questions so below should hopefully answer the majority of them.
This idea is to represent a region based on where you live. Im not going to be anal about this for this event as it is ment to be fun.
The four regions are North, Central, South and then Wales, Scotland Ireland and rest of the world combined.
You'll see by the above threads there are regional reps that will organise the rosta for that area. For each area two sqauds will be played however the coaches see fit, be it two mixed or and A + B style squad.
The entry fee of £600 per region is to be split amongst however many players you have representing. So if you have 30 players its £20 per man plus your paint. Paint is byo or i believe we may have some deals being negotiated as we speak by some of the regional reps.
Northern reps, Markie C (Firm coach and chunky munky), Dickie (Disruption leader)
Southern rep, Twizz (London Tigers coach)
Central reps, Mikey D (my favourite disruption player
) and Pikey (least favourite disruption player)
The Celts and rest of the world, Little Nicky Nickeroo (as seen in lord of the rings, and other such short films)
The games on the day will be 20 min, Race 7 format . There will be plenty of playing time available for those who want to play all day or just till they run out of paint.
Any questions fire up as we will be putting the rosta's together after the 30th for all regions.
At the end of the day its gonna be a fun event so get on it, if you would like to help out the regional reps get in touch with them as im sure they like the help.
07977 060 694