Massive thanks
Gotta say after an exhausting weekend a massive thanks to all.
To the series sponsors, Rockstar, Activision, Just Paintball, JT Europe a very big thanks. Hope you all enjoyed ya Rockstar drinks.
To the caterers, cheers Sue. As usual the best food at any event. The refs cant get enough of it!!
To the refs, you all did a stirling job. Consistent all day in all conditions. Cant thankyou enough.
The usual high quality air fills from HPAC were as usual, the best.
To Just for doing the trade stand and paint.
To al the teams who played the games in the right spirit and aproach. Was an absolute pleasure having you all.
Thanks to Gem, Alex and Nick on admin, DJ Jim on the tunes and PA that now its finally dried up enough to use him shall be making regular visits now.
Anybody ive missed off im very sorry but im exremely fubared and head is not on straight. Scores will be up later in the week.
Agian cheers to all of ya. See ya soon.