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The CPPS rd 5, August 30th


DCF Footsoldier.
Apr 18, 2006
Ashbourne (Derbyshire)
Cheers to Rich and the guys for a fun event. Also to the refs spot on firm but fair, humorous in places too. Likewise to the teams we played was fun being showed how to play again ... it had been a while. Hopefully making a bit more of run of things, thanks again to Legacy for letting me play alongside you guys, a fresh team with bags of potential.

Thanks again, Tom


West Coast Spartons
Apr 7, 2009
lancashire darwen
Just wana say thanks to Rich and the guys, once again grate days ballin! reffs were great and thanks to alex and daz for gusting for the spartons had some good results there, cant wait to get back on the feild:D


GWC 2010 #23
Dec 2, 2004
BoP are on fire, Event after event its just getting better and better.....

I would like to say thanks for all the support that has been shown towards us today. We have really enjoyed mixing it up in the 5man after moving up from the 3man and making our team debut as Devastation and when you look at the level of some of the teams there today we are really pleased with our result after a hard fight with Newcastle Lockdown for 3rd/4th even though we came in 4th we can hold our heads up high.....:D

Thanks to Nulty for turning up with his injury and been Pot Bitch.. I really think we may of finally found a use for you now :eek:

I would personally like to thank Rich and Gemma for putting me and the lads up in hotel Harris...;)

See you all next time...:)
A well played match, was indeed a hard fought game, we had a blast today!

A huge thanks to my team you all played well today guys and our sponsors for supporting us.

Another huge thanks to BOP, Rich and his crew and finally the Refs! for putting huge smiles on our faces, was well worth the journey for yet another great event.